Sunday, January 15, 2012

Exam Week and Movie Splurging

Exam week is finally over! Wednesday through Thursday I spent my entire school days testing my brains out hoping to get a high enough grade to make an A+ in all of my classes for the semester. I was soooo close. I made a 94 semester average in English. So that's that.Meanwhile, Soccer has been going good but we did loose our game last Tuesday. It's still a lot of fun though and I'm expecting a great season.

Something to definitely celebrate is the fact that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You know what that means?! No school! I love 3 day weekends. I guess I haven't exactly been spending the extra time wisely but I have finished my homework over Act 4 of Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. On the more fun side I went to the movies yesterday with my friend Rebecca. We saw "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol." The movie was very intense and I enjoyed it immensely. Rebecca and I both agree that there should definitely be another Mission Impossible... soon. It's hilarious looking at the first "Mission Impossible" that came out in 1996 and seeing how much technology has advanced in maybe a decade and a half. I can't imagine not having my cell phone or ipod. It's a very hard concept for me to think that there's a life where these thing are nonexistant.
I have also recently enjoyed watching, "Howl's Moving Castle," an Asian cartoon directed by Hayao Miyazaki who also created two other movies I like, "Ponyo," and "Spirited Away."
After coming home last night I began watching an interesting TV series called "White Collar." The guy in it is cute (Matt Bomer) and the scenario is fantastic. Alex would love that it takes place in New York. One of the episodes even took place during and was tied into New York Fashion Week.
(Pictures are courtesty of The Internet Movie Database)

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