Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to School...Blah!

Today was the first day back to school for me. I just got home from soccer practice a little while ago. Practice itself was fun but school was long and tiring. I felt slow all day, messed up this watercolor piece in art, and made an 80 on this paper in last period (that was a definite bummer.)

Even though its gone, the break was great! Originally, we were going to go to Dallas on New Year's Eve, but there was a change of plans. Instead we stayed home and Michaela had a friend over. It was a lot of fun. There was fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies, lights in marshall, and the six hour version of Pride and Prejudice (A&E's.) dIt's definitely the best book to movie relation but I usually make do with the shorter Pride and Prejudice film that I got the Christmas before last, starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. That's really great too and captures the feelings from the novel very well for so little time to do so.

I don't know why but I've been really cold lately. I got home shivering and began watching an episode of Danny Phantom on Netflix. Not one minute into the episode I find out that Danny (the main character if you couldn't tell) was facing a cold spell of his own, how fitting. The show was very enjoyable while I ate my baked potatoe.

That's basically it, oh wait! I almost forgot. I wanted to share my New Year's Resolutions: (here it goes)
  • Run more on my own
  • Juggle and practice soccer at home 
  • Write in my journal (I like writing down my memories but I hardly get time to.)
  • Write letters to my friends *cough Tally cough*
  • Scrapbook (I have a ton of supplies and photos but hardly take the time to.)
  • print pictures
  • $ Save MONEY $
  • get a job or babysit more
  • don't procrastinate!!! (I'm really bad at this one.)
  • Use Rosetta Stone (my mom gets it with a huge discount since she's a teacher)
  • remember to log driving hours (when I get my permit, which will be soon!)
  • practice piano
Yep. That's them. It's kind of a lot but I think I can do it if I work hard, also it can't hurt that I taped a list on  my bathroom mirror and on the lamp on my bedside table. That way, I won't forget! Wish me luck with those and I hope that you all had a great holiday. 

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel....i just went back yesterday :'( New follower!

