Recently, I've been watching a lot of vampire movies, and that has gotten me in the mood to make a vampire playlist! So, here's a few songs from vampire movies and some that I just think would go well in a vampire movie. :)
*NOTE: some songs will be listed twice. One is the original, and one is a cover that was either featured in the movie or I think is worth listing.*
Song - Artist
1. Miss Murder - AFI
2. We Love Like Vampires - Sparks The Rescue
3. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me' - Fall Out Boy
4. Lost In The Shadows (The Lost Boys) - Lou Gramm
5. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
6. This Is How I Disappear - My Chemical Romance
7. It's Just Me - Escape The Fate
8. People Are Strange - The Doors
9. People Are Strange - Echo And The Bunnymen (cover)
10. Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys) - Gerard McMann
11. Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys) - Aiden (cover)
12. Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones
13. Sympathy For The Devil - Guns N' Roses
14. Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Marilyn Manson
15. Violet Hill - Coldplay
16. Hurricane - 30 Seconds To Mars
-Alex (A.K.A. Tally)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Snow, snow, and...more snow.

This morning, I was awakened at around 10:00 A.M. by my mother who insisted that I "come out and see the snow". So I did.
Later in the day, we ended up going sledding on a huge hill with some friends and neighbors, then we ate at a local bar/tavern. This is the way to raise kids. ;) It was fun, cold, and wet, and now I am reduced to sitting in my bed at 5:15 trying not to fall asleep. I think I may watch a movie later...not sure what yet. I'm so tired.
-Alex (A.K.A. Tally)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Chili's & Movies
It's monday, and I'm NOT at school. It's really great.
Yesterday I went to Chili's to celebrate my friends birthday. Happy belated Birthday Meagan! I ate "Bacon Ranch Quesadillas" and they were awesome! After I had some awesome cookie cake.
(from the menu at
Then we busted open a pinata. I got a bunch of candy but my favorites were the jaw breakers. Later
in the night we watched "She's the Man" with Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum. That's definitely one of my favorite soccer movies, especially since there aren't a lot of them. It's hilarious.
Yeah so that's what I've been up to. I'm sorry for anyone who has to work or go to school today. Also I recently began reading "Austenland" by Shannon Hale. It's pretty good but I think it has an unfair advantage towards being liked because it's Jane Austen related, but whatever.
-Savannah (A.K.A. Shay)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Exam Week and Movie Splurging
Exam week is finally over! Wednesday through Thursday I spent my entire school days testing my brains out hoping to get a high enough grade to make an A+ in all of my classes for the semester. I was soooo close. I made a 94 semester average in English. So that's that.Meanwhile, Soccer has been going good but we did loose our game last Tuesday. It's still a lot of fun though and I'm expecting a great season.
Something to definitely celebrate is the fact that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You know what that means?! No school! I love 3 day weekends. I guess I haven't exactly been spending the extra time wisely but I have finished my homework over Act 4 of Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. On the more fun side I went to the movies yesterday with my friend Rebecca. We saw "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol." The movie was very intense and I enjoyed it immensely. Rebecca and I both agree that there should definitely be another Mission Impossible... soon. It's hilarious looking at the first "Mission Impossible" that came out in 1996 and seeing how much technology has advanced in maybe a decade and a half. I can't imagine not having my cell phone or ipod. It's a very hard concept for me to think that there's a life where these thing are nonexistant.
I have also recently enjoyed watching, "Howl's Moving Castle," an Asian cartoon directed by Hayao Miyazaki who also created two other movies I like, "Ponyo," and "Spirited Away."
After coming home last night I began watching an interesting TV series called "White Collar." The guy in it is cute (Matt Bomer) and the scenario is fantastic. Alex would love that it takes place in New York. One of the episodes even took place during and was tied into New York Fashion Week.
Something to definitely celebrate is the fact that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You know what that means?! No school! I love 3 day weekends. I guess I haven't exactly been spending the extra time wisely but I have finished my homework over Act 4 of Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. On the more fun side I went to the movies yesterday with my friend Rebecca. We saw "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol." The movie was very intense and I enjoyed it immensely. Rebecca and I both agree that there should definitely be another Mission Impossible... soon. It's hilarious looking at the first "Mission Impossible" that came out in 1996 and seeing how much technology has advanced in maybe a decade and a half. I can't imagine not having my cell phone or ipod. It's a very hard concept for me to think that there's a life where these thing are nonexistant.
I have also recently enjoyed watching, "Howl's Moving Castle," an Asian cartoon directed by Hayao Miyazaki who also created two other movies I like, "Ponyo," and "Spirited Away."
After coming home last night I began watching an interesting TV series called "White Collar." The guy in it is cute (Matt Bomer) and the scenario is fantastic. Alex would love that it takes place in New York. One of the episodes even took place during and was tied into New York Fashion Week.
(Pictures are courtesty of The Internet Movie Database)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Snow on Friday the 13th
So, I wake up bright and early this morning to torrential downpours of snow and monsoon-like winds. After making my way to school via Jeep (and falling about 10000 times on the way) I was slightly surprised to discover that I was not, as was prior knowledge, the only person to come close to death by falling on the way to school.
Later, we walked to Mass (I go to a Catholic school) and the girls frantically tried to keep their skirts pushed down and their hats in place while strategically dodging large puddles of water and random patches of ice. After be ranted at and later yelled at for not saying the responses and singing from the hymnal by the priest, we made our way back to the school (about two blocks away) in the same fashion above stated.
Upon arriving back at school, we were lectured by the teachers and continually had study guides for our upcoming midterms shoved down our throats in a repetitive manner.
Then we all trooped home, exhausted and ready to sleep. But do I do that? Why, of course not! Sleep is for the weak.
So, in honor of our first blizzard (or...something like it) here in Pennsylvania, I have dug out some pictures for last year's snowfall in Texas. Oh the irony.
-Alex (A.K.A. Tally)
P.S. Did you know that the past tense of 'dare' is 'durst'?
This useless knowledge has been provided to you by Anthony, my kinda-friend-but-not-really.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Stuffed Animals, not the cute kind!
Hey I was looking at some pics I uploaded on my computer and I found these from when my family and I were in Cabela's (mentioned in my "See ya later Fort Worth!" post.) As I mentioned before the place is like Bass Pro Shops, so hunting/fishing/that kinda thing. It's kind of horrific but the place was FILLED with stuffed animals (like taxidermy, not cute toys.) Even though it's kind of creepy it was neat getting to see so many different animals up close (There was even a zebra, and a polar bear!) Anyways, here are the pics:
I figured my vegetarian friend (not saying any names *cough Tally cough*) may be offended so check out this plaque that was in front of the huge mountain where most the animals were.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Back to School...Blah!
Today was the first day back to school for me. I just got home from soccer practice a little while ago. Practice itself was fun but school was long and tiring. I felt slow all day, messed up this watercolor piece in art, and made an 80 on this paper in last period (that was a definite bummer.)
Even though its gone, the break was great! Originally, we were going to go to Dallas on New Year's Eve, but there was a change of plans. Instead we stayed home and Michaela had a friend over. It was a lot of fun. There was fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies, lights in marshall, and the six hour version of Pride and Prejudice (A&E's.) dIt's definitely the best book to movie relation but I usually make do with the shorter Pride and Prejudice film that I got the Christmas before last, starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. That's really great too and captures the feelings from the novel very well for so little time to do so.
I don't know why but I've been really cold lately. I got home shivering and began watching an episode of Danny Phantom on Netflix. Not one minute into the episode I find out that Danny (the main character if you couldn't tell) was facing a cold spell of his own, how fitting. The show was very enjoyable while I ate my baked potatoe.
That's basically it, oh wait! I almost forgot. I wanted to share my New Year's Resolutions: (here it goes)
Even though its gone, the break was great! Originally, we were going to go to Dallas on New Year's Eve, but there was a change of plans. Instead we stayed home and Michaela had a friend over. It was a lot of fun. There was fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies, lights in marshall, and the six hour version of Pride and Prejudice (A&E's.) dIt's definitely the best book to movie relation but I usually make do with the shorter Pride and Prejudice film that I got the Christmas before last, starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. That's really great too and captures the feelings from the novel very well for so little time to do so.
I don't know why but I've been really cold lately. I got home shivering and began watching an episode of Danny Phantom on Netflix. Not one minute into the episode I find out that Danny (the main character if you couldn't tell) was facing a cold spell of his own, how fitting. The show was very enjoyable while I ate my baked potatoe.
That's basically it, oh wait! I almost forgot. I wanted to share my New Year's Resolutions: (here it goes)
- Run more on my own
- Juggle and practice soccer at home
- Write in my journal (I like writing down my memories but I hardly get time to.)
- Write letters to my friends *cough Tally cough*
- Scrapbook (I have a ton of supplies and photos but hardly take the time to.)
- print pictures
- $ Save MONEY $
- get a job or babysit more
- don't procrastinate!!! (I'm really bad at this one.)
- Use Rosetta Stone (my mom gets it with a huge discount since she's a teacher)
- remember to log driving hours (when I get my permit, which will be soon!)
- practice piano
Monday, January 2, 2012

A few metallic things I've had my eye on for a while...
1. Michael Kors handbag (that I received for Christmas). This is one of the two things on the list that I actually own.
2. Metallico eye pencil set from Ulta.
3. Metallic-y dress from TopShop.
4. Pretty sunglasses by Prada.
5. Metallic snakeskin-print strappy heels, also from TopShop.
6. Classic Chanel No. 5 perfume...this is the second thing on the list that I own (I also received this for Christmas).
7. A bronze-and-gold colored clutch by Alexander Mcqueen. By far the most dreamy item on the list. ;)
-Tally (A.K.A. Alex...the colorful and enchanting mango)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy 2012
On behalf of both Savannah (Shay) and myself, I would just like to say Happy New Year's! :D
2011 for me was a very stressful year, but now that it's 2012, I'm hoping that I can put all of that behind me and start over. I've come up with a list of some things that I would like to get accomplished in 2012:
1. Stop complaining about my life in general. People tend to find it annoying.
2. Watch more movies. I fail epically at this.
3. Get my school to reform the uniforms. I cannot take one more minute of shapeless, flat out ugly plaid. Something must be done.
4. Write letters to Savannah (a.k.a. Shay) often.
5. Purchase a good camera (right now I'm leaning towards a Canon Rebel will take some major saving though) and do some real photography (most of which will probably make its way to the blog).
6. Work on my grammar nazi-ness. People tend not to like this either.
7. Spend less time on the computer. I feel like I'm missing out on so many things. But at the same time, I don't. So, we'll see how this one goes.
8. Exercise everyday. Right now, it's only happening about once a week, which is simply not acceptable...
9. Make this blog bigger and better and achieve more than one follower. I'll have to talk to Savannah about it, but we'll probably set a goal for our blog for how many followers we want (or need...) in 2012. But I assure you, it will be more than one. -___-
10. Start supporting a charity. I have been thinking about this for a while now, and I have a few charities in mind, but I haven't fully committed yet. I want to start helping out a charity.
Well, that was quite a long list. I feel like putting it all somewhere will help me keep it hammered into my brain though. I hope you all had a wonderful (and safe) New Year's. Mine was quite was spent at my parent's friend's house, watching four little kids (two of which were extremely cute and the other two...well...) and sipping water (and champagne once the clock struck 12:00). I also got to listen to the adults make fun of Lady Gaga and Travie McCoy on the ABC special. They can't help that they're awesome (well, they are...their music is a different story...). Again, Happy New Year's! :D
*photo courtesy of
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