Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Running A Million Miles An Hour

My life is crazy and because I gave up my beloved Netflix for lent I have found myself craving more and more YouTube. I have even gone so far as to use my account to actually upload videos. Shocking, I know. So if you think an awkward random girl (possibly named Savannah) could be kind of interesting or funny time and again please check it out. I've uploaded 2 videos so far and hope to load another soon. My username is Savannah Marie and you can find my first video here: Awkward Me (First YouTube Video)

So are you the type of person who gets on YouTube every second of everyday? Or maybe you're obsessed with some other social media/random site? Don't try hiding it you know who you are! Maybe you just get on occasionally? Perhaps you're the type of person who lives under a rock and has no idea what I'm talking about. Silly me, those people don't exist. (or do they? peeks under rock) Anyways I have several people that I subscribe to on YouTube and I figured I would share them with you wonderful people. I'm linking their username with their channel so that you can find them super easily. Some of them you may have heard of before or they may just be a completely new experience to you but YOU WILL LOVE THEM. (or not, some cursing in most've been warned!) 'You've been warned'...What am I a creepy old man living with an apocalypse sign tied to his chest. Anyways....
PRESENTING these fantastical amazingly random hooblah mesh magical genie unicorn what am I doing!? YouTube-errrrrrrs:

Jenna Marbles
321ACoupleOf <<
Only a few but don't worry they'll keep you busy for a while. Hope you like the videos and please come back for more and we will try to post more often. But you know how it is. Life is crazy!